Seminar : Het einde van honger : een onmogelijke missie ?
16 octobre 2023 09h00
Federaal ParlementLeuvenstraat 48, 1000 Brussel, België
Dit seminar, georganiseerd door de Coalitie tegen honger, brengt deskundigen van internationale organisaties en boerenorganisaties uit het Zuiden samen om de stand van zaken in de strijd tegen honger te analyseren. Halverwege de MDG-routekaart lijkt de doelstelling om honger uit te roeien tegen 2030 steeds verder buiten bereik. Wat zijn de oplossingen ?
A l’occasion de la journée internationale de l’alimentation, la Coalition contre la faim organise ce séminaire qui aura pour objectifs de renforcer la connaissance et la compréhension des OSC, des responsables politiques et des sur la situation de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le monde et d’analyser les causes de la faim. Nous aborderons aussi les alternatives à mettre en place au niveau politique, avec une attention particulière à la responsabilité de la Belgique et de l’UE, pour inverser la courbe des chiffres de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le monde.
- 09:15 – Welcoming & networking
- 09:45 – Introduction with Belgian minister of Belgian development cooperation
How does Belgium evaluate its cooperation policies at the halfway point of the SDGs ?
Ms. Caroline Gennez (TBC) & Joke Bosteels
- 10:15 – SDG 2 : state of play & perspectives for 2030
How have hunger and malnutrition figures evolved since 2015 and what are the prospects for 2030 ? What are the impacts on women ? A look at the root causes of hunger : conflict, economic shocks and climate shocks. How is international financial assistance evolving ?
Mr Raschad Al-Khafaji – Director of the FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium
- 11:00 – Economic inequality as a cross-cutting structural cause of hunger :
Zoom on economic inequalities as a structural factor of hunger. What are the origins of these economic inequalities (debt, liberalization, etc.) ? How are women affected ? How can these structural causes be addressed ?
Jane Battersby (Online) – IPES FOOD – Report : Breaking the cycle of unsustainable food systems, hunger, and debt) and HLPE (Report Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition) ; Paula, Sefu (Kenyan) from CSIPM (Women and/or small holder farmers)
- 12:30 – Lunch
- 13:30 – The right to food at the heart of the governance of food systems :
Since the 2008 crisis, the governance of food systems has been singled out in the context of food crises. What improvements have been made since 2008 ? What are the weaknesses of the current system ? What are the threats to governance (corporate capture, UNFSS, etc.), why should the right to food remain the foundation of food security ?
Martin Wolpold-Bosien – FIAN International ; Dee Woods – Landworkers Alliance UK – CSIPM ; Jennifer Clapp (TBC) – University of Waterloo – HLPE, IPES FOOD
- 14:30 – Fighting hunger in a degraded environment. Agroecology as a solution ?
Climate shocks are increasingly threatening food security. What model should be favoured to feed the world in 2030 while respecting the environment ? Agroecology is being promoted by CSOs and farmers’ organisations. But is it really the new driving force behind the fight against hunger in the major institutions and in development cooperation ?
Marion Michaud from DG INTPA (UE level) ; Khady Thiane Ndoye from CICODEV (Sénégal) ; Sylvestre Tiemtoré (TBC) from SPONG (Burkina-Faso)
- 15:30 – Break
- 15:45 – Food sovereignty to eradicate hunger ? Urgent or utopian ?
What must Belgium and the EU do to make an effective contribution to reversing the hunger curve ? What measures should be taken as a matter of urgency to build food systems based on the principles of food sovereignty ?
Khady Thiane Ndoye from CICODEV (Sénégal) ; Sylvestre Tiemtoré (TBC) from SPONG (Burkina-Faso) ; European Coordination Via Campesina – UE Level
- 16:30 – End
Het seminar wordt voornamelijk in het Engels gehouden, maar ook in het Frans. Er wordt voor vertolking naar het Engels, Nederlands en Frans gezorgd.