Looking back on "Food democracy" session
Almudena Garcia Sastre participated in this session as FIAN EU and member of the EU Food Policy Coalition to present Open Food Views from civil society actors. You will find here the presentation and the summary of the 3 days forum which was held by the Flemish governement - Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2024.
Food Democracy session
This session focused on the importance of food democracy and of a comprehensive approach in achieving sustainable food systems, as well as ways to further strengthen the governance of the food policy process. A panel of experts and civil society actors discussed how to implement food democracy in the EU, with special attention to the role of Food Policy Councils.
FIAN’s presentation went through such concepts as :
- How to implement food democracy in Europe ?
- The right to food can guide a just transition
- Participation and democratic food governance
- A rights-based approach for democratic food governance
- Accountability mechanisms for food democracy
- Effective accountability and monitoring mechanisms
- The EU CRESS PROJECT : Collaborative Action and Learning for Local Rights-based Sustainable Food Systems
(*) European Economic and Social Committee
- The Right to Food for a Just Transition Towards Sustainable Food Systems : How the right to food can underpin and guide the European Commission’s work on a legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS), FIAN (2023)
- Speakers’ presentations (1.1 Mo - pdf format)
- Open Food Conference Summary Report, Flemish Government (2024), Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2024, Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Economy, Science and Innovation & Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office, Brussels